>Hi All,
>I'm porting Java Code to PHP, my question is: What is the best approach 
>to emulate Java exceptions in PHP4? (I know ZE2 adds exceptions but I 
>can't wait).
>When a Java method "throws" an exception it is difficult to handle as a 
>"return" of an exception object since then I'd have to check in every 
>sinlge line that calls a method if the returned value is an exception 
>and then return and exception etc etc. (Chaning that up to the user 
>would be a nightmare).
>So I need some clever ideas ;-)


Pretty much, take those and a little discipline with your programming staff,
and you're done...

Maybe write some kind of error message system that creates a unique ID for
each error message.

You can wrap it up in some Objects if that makes you happy.

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