Hi Folks:

Just for interest sake, for those of you who have messed
with C know about Pointers hence probably know that
one can access stuff from Memory Locations in very wierd
ways via pointers and Arrays:

int * ptr;
ptr = array[0];

The last statement does not generate an error but lets you
access that location...
Firstly I want to know if PHP has pointers (I know it uses
dereferencing values via &) and if it does use pointers
does it let you do stuff like this (or does its nature not
let you interact with the lower level hardware components?
I've never seen the need to investigate if there are pointers
in PHP but it would be an interesting thing to know...
Being a Server Side tool, it would not surprise me if it did,
it appears to have some similarities to C anywayz notably
function printf()


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