On Wed, Jul 17, 2002 at 10:00:29AM -0400, Chris Crane wrote:
> I am getting data froma website for stock information. If I type in the
> brower the URL I get a text file display list this;
> Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume
> 16-Jul-02,7.92,8.10,7.68,7.82,605500
> 15-Jul-02,7.98,8.02,7.59,8.02,577200
> 12-Jul-02,7.80,8.00,7.57,7.95,411100
> 11-Jul-02,7.82,7.94,7.34,7.80,802400

So, now you're working an another approach to the stock quote question, 

Use these functions:

Look at the manual on how to use them.  If, for some reason, that's not 
clear, check out the archives for this list on http://groups.google.com/.


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