>I am trying to do a simple fopen("http://www.weather.com/index.html";, "r"); 
>For some reason I cannot Open any URL's after trying several.
>I get the following error 
>Warning: stat failed for Resource id #1 (errno=2 - No such file or

It's possible that weather.com is sending cookies and refusing access if you
aren't logged in or something...

To be sure, SSH (telnet) in to your server, or open an MS-DOS shell, and do
this from a command prompt:

telnet www.weather.com 80
GET /index.htm HTTP/1.0
host: www.weather.com

Hit 'return' twice after that last line, and be ready for a lot of crap to
come out.  Or not.  Whatever you see there is what PHP is seeing, almost for

I think cURL might be the easiest way around that, though I hate to put cURL
and easy in the same sentence.

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