>I have been running 4.1.2 for a while with no problems.  This morning, I 
>downloaded 4.2.2, did a configure/make/make install.  All seemed to have 
>gone well.  However, it broke all my sites that use PHP.  Here is a 
>description of how it appeared to be broken.  This is just an example, 
>as I dont really own fakename.com.
>User goes to http://www.fakename.com/index.php
>User clicks on "help" and gets the main index page instead of the help 
>The URL for help is.. http://www.fakename.com/index.php?target=help
>It is like PHP gets passed variables and "forgets" them immediately.
>What do I need to do?  I reinstalled 4.1.2 and things are working again. 
>Naturally, I would like to safely upgrade to 4.2.2.
>Thanks in advance for any help out there. I am at a loss for ideas on 
>solving this myself.

Read the php.ini file and register_globals section.

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