>> This Programmer has actually read the Documentation and believed the
>> warnings that some day just plain old $strName might not be enough.
>Where might these warnings be?  I just perused this URL:
>  http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.types.string.php
>especially where it talks about the {} syntax, but I see no such
>warnings of future deprecation.  I also followed a provided link here:
>  http://www.zend.com/zend/tut/using-strings.php
>but that also doesn't mention this warning.  Is this in fact syntax that
>will no longer work in some future version?  If so, I'll start using {}
>everywhere I embed variables in strings, but I was unaware that stuff
>like this:
>  "This is a $variable embedded in a string"
>might no longer work.  If you have URLs, I'd love to read up on this.

My bad.

It's the square brackets for an array that is deprecated.


Right before Example 7-3.

I haven't quite got the hang of using {} inside of strings yet...  It just
looks so ugly :-)

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