Hello, I am stuck here. In the name of efficiency I want to lower the number
of callls to the database. So I am trying to give the most stringent query
possible. This is the problem: I have stored the surfers shopping cart,
where each item is stored as a session variable.Now on the database I have
ALL inventory items, but I want to only display the details of what the user
has in his cart.
eg. : I want something like this:

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * from Inventory where ItemNumber is in
//  I need proper syntax to replace "is in"

where Inventory has, ItemNumber (unique), Price, ItemName.
So say the surfer has three items in the Session, then I stored the three
unique ItemNumbers.
Then with the above query I can get the rest of the information to represent
to the user.
I am looking down the avenues of a Set datastyp or maybe Enum, but I don't
know if it will help.

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