>  We have to upgrade our PHP to the latest stable version on Redhat Linux 
>7.3.  We have lots of user using our PHP so what are all the precautions 
>and steps involved while doing this operations without disturbing their 
>existing program.

At a minimum, we gotta know what version you are *ON*...

For starters, you should *WARN* your clients of the impending upgrade.

Then *THEY* can prepare any known issues like register_globals etc.

Make 100% sure that you also keep all the extensions to PHP you already
have.  Maybe add a couple more.  Maybe upgrade the old ones while you are at

You *ARE* going to install on a DEVELOPMENT box with no customers and test
first, right?

Do a backup of the PRODUCTION box before installing, of course.

Upgrade very early Monday morning so that corporate customers:
A) Don't lose a lot of stuff if you need to back off to your backup
B) Are coming in to work anyway, so any problems you've created are solvable
at their work-hours, not 4 am on a Sunday.

Most sites can be down for a few hours and just blame it on network errors
or something...  Though if there are mission-critical sites on that
server... Well, you ought to have roll-over fail-safes in the first place,
right?  Upgrade one at a time, and be ready to roll-over fast.

Put yourself in your customer's shoes and ask yourself all the worst "What

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