Jrgen wrote:

>$op = $_GET['op'];
>switch ( $op )
>PHP shoots a Notice Message telling me that there is an undefined index
>Undefined index: act in g:\apache_web\intern\looney\index.php on line 177
If there is not a get variable in the url you will get the warning.

>Ok, am i correct in assuming that it pops this message because $op is not
>defined as anything yet?

>If so,should i always just do this
>$_POST['op'] = '';
>$op = $_GET['op'];
>switch ( $op )
>    //Code here
If there is not a get variable callled "op" you should still get the 

>$op = isset($_GET['op']);
>switch ( $op )
>    //Code here
Now $op will be a boolean assigned the value true (if there is a get 
variable called "op" in the url) or false if not. As $op will have a 
value then there is no warning.

What I tend to do when I have an optional item of data is:

if (isset($_GET["op"])) [
    $op = $_GET["op"];
    $op = "no value";        // set to something you can test for in 
your switch statement.
though there may be a better way.

>Best regards from Vienna,
.. thanks, and best regards to you from Essex, England.


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