Well, I still believe the best editor for windows is Editplus

Small, fast, stable, tonnes of features and it supports a lot of file type.
If it doesn't give you colour coding for a particular language, say Cold
Fusion, go to the homepage and download the plugin.

It's only 800K to download, give it a shot.  It's uninstall program actually
gets rid of it aswell, completely.  so if you don't like it, no sweat  :-P

Just my 2 cents...


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dave at Sinewaves.net" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 10, 2002 3:42 AM
Subject: [PHP] Win PHP Editor...

> Just have to add one little fine piece of free software that nobody's
> mentioned yet, Crimson Editor (http://www.crimsoneditor.com )
> No code completion, but it's got every other feature of the big commercial
> beasts... definitely check it out - I just switched over, and it's great.
> From the site:
> ----------
> Edit multiple documents
>    - switch between documents using file selection tab
>    - pressing Ctrl+Tab brings the last accessed document to top
> Syntax highlighting
>    - configurable via custom syntax files
>    - preconfigured for more than 50 computer languages
> Multi-level undo / redo
>    - all editing actions are recorded from the opening of a file
>    - unlimited undo and redo buffers
> Find & Replace
>    - replace specified text one by one, or as a whole
>    - support regular expression
> Natural word wrapping
>    - word wrapping does not affect syntax highlighting
>    - configurable wrapping indentation (easer to understand the syntax)
> Spell checker
>    - around 100000 words were added in the dictionary
>    - users can register new words in their own dictionary
> (InstallDir/user.dic)
> User tools and macros
>    - execute external programs with proper arguments
>    - compile, execute and test your code
>    - ease your fingers with key stroke recording (record & replay)
> Directory tree view window
>    - click to open documents
>    - filter to display only selected file class
> Edit remote files directly using built-in FTP client
>    - open, edit, and save documents in remote FTP servers
>    - save account information (encoded) for automatic logon
> Print & Print preview
>    - configurable page header and footer
>    - print with line numbers
>    - print with syntax highlighting (used in color printer)
>    - true type font selection for printer
> Other useful features
>    single instance / multiple instances, ability to detect changed files,
>    bookmark & go to, highlight active line, highlight matching pairs,
>    multi-byte support with integrated IME (for eastern languages),
>    auto indent, wheel mouse support, copy & paste, line numbers,
>    configurable line spacing, option to save files in Unix format,
>    option to set working directory
> Very nice little IDE, and the price is right! Nothing!
> Dave
> --
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