
This isn't the most helpful comment but it seems your working on a
Have you tried to use your script in a *nix platform?

-- Joni
// Joni Järvinen
// http://www.reactorbox.org/~wandu

"Christopher J. Crane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I get the following errors when I run my script. It works fine with only
> records, but at 100 I get errors.
> "PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 00DA088E Warning: Unknown list
> entry type in request shutdown (2) in
> c:\www\htdocs\demos\ct.org\directory.php on line 0"
> or
>  "PHP has encountered an Access Violation at 00DA088E "
> Basically, I have a CSV file with about 3500 records (lines). I have a
> statement that goes through the file line by line. I am using fgetcsv().
> While on a line I also open another file and search for a matching field
> (CustomerID) and if it matches print the information on that line unless a
> field in that file is set to "1".
> This was initially tried using a query since this data is in a database.
> That did not work. I exported the data into csv files. It worked in
> limiting the amount of records to be displayed to less than 30. I just
> it with limit set to 100 and that's when I got the problem.
> Here is the code;
> <?PHP
>          __                                        __
>       __/_/________________________________________\_\__
>    __|_                                                _|__
>   (___O)                                              (O___)
>  (_____O)           Christopher J. Crane             (O_____)
>  (_____O)               Web Designer                 (O_____)
>   (__O)              I N X D E S I G N                 (O__)
>      |              http://inxdesign.com                |
>      |              [EMAIL PROTECTED]                |
>      |                                                  |
>      |__________________________________________________|
> This script was created to help prepare the directory information, for the
> Connecticut Technical Council for the Year 2002.
> My Material - Please do not copy or modify it with checking with me first.
> Please leave the INFORMATION banner in place.
> */
> file://==Global Definitions
> file://====================
> define('SCRIPT_NAME', 'Connecticut Technology Council Directory Maker');
> define('SCRIPT_VERSION', 'v1.0');
> define('SCRIPT_CREATOR', '<a
href="mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]";>Christopher
> J. Crane</a>');
> define('CREATE_DATE', '08/06/02');
> define('REVISED_DATE', '08/06/02');
> $TestingMode = "On"; file://On or Off
> $ShowCount = "10";
> $row = 0;
> print "<a name\"Top\"></a><b>Company Directory 2002</b><br>";
> print "T e s t i n g&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;M o d e - ";
>  if($TestingMode == "On") { print "On<br>Only Showing The First $ShowCount
> Records.\n"; }
>  else { print "Off\n"; }
> print "<a href=\"#end\">End</a>";
> print "<hr  align=\"left\" width=\"400\" hieght=1 noborder>\n";
> file://==C o m p a n y   D a t a   O u t p u t
> file://=======================================
> $Data1 = fopen("Final.csv","r");
>  while ($Line1 = fgetcsv($Data1, 1000, ",")) {
>   $CompanyID = $Line1[0];   $CompanyName = $Line1[1]; $MemberTypeID =
> $Line1[2];
>   $RevenueID = $Line1[3];   $Ownership = $Line1[4];  $NoPubRevenue =
> $Line1[5];
>   $YearEstablished = $Line1[6]; $Exchange = $Line1[7];  $TotalEmployees =
> $Line1[8];
>   $ConnEmployees = $Line1[9];  $Ticker = $Line1[10];  $Email = $Line1[11];
>   $Website = $Line1[12];   $IndustryID = $Line1[13]; $AddressTypeID =
> $Line1[14];
>   $AddressLine1 = $Line1[15];  $AddressLine2 = $Line1[16]; $City =
> $Line1[17];
>   $State = $Line1[18];   $Zip = $Line1[19];   $CountyName = $Line1[20];
>   $Profile = $Line1[21];
>   if($row != 0) {
>    print " <font size=4><b>$CompanyName</b></font><br>\n";
>    if($AddressLine1 != "") { print "$AddressLine1<br>\n"; }
>    if($AddressLine2 != "") { print "$AddressLine2<br>\n"; }
>    print "$City, $State $Zip<br>\n";
> file://==P h o n e   D a t a   O u t p u t
> file://===================================
> $Data2 = fopen("PhoneTable.csv","r");
>  while ($Line2 = fgetcsv ($Data2, 1000, ",")) {
>   $CompanyID2 = $Line2[0]; $PhoneType = $Line2[1]; $AreaCode = $Line2[2];
>   $Prefix = $Line2[3];  $Suffix = $Line2[4];
>   if($CompanyID2 == $CompanyID) {
>    if($PhoneType == "Office") {
>     print "<b>Phone:
> </b>($AreaCode)$Prefix-$Suffix&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
>     }
>    }
> fclose($Data2);
> file://==F a x   D a t a   O u t p u t
> file://===================================
> $Data3 = fopen("PhoneTable.csv","r");
>  while ($Line3 = fgetcsv ($Data3, 1000, ",")) {
>   $CompanyID3 = $Line3[0]; $PhoneType = $Line3[1]; $AreaCode = $Line3[2];
>   $Prefix = $Line3[3];  $Suffix = $Line3[4];
>   if($CompanyID3 == $CompanyID) {
>    if($PhoneType == "FAX") {
>     print "<b>Fax:
> </b>($AreaCode)$Prefix-$Suffix&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
>     }
>    }
> fclose($Data3);
> print "<br>";
> file://==W e b s i t e / E m a i l  D a t a   O u t p u t
> file://==================================================
> if(($Website != "") || ($Email != "[EMAIL PROTECTED]")) {
>  if($Website != "") { print "<b>Website: </b>$Website<br>\n"; }
>  if($Email != "[EMAIL PROTECTED]") { print "<b>E-Mail: </b>$Email<br>\n"; }
>  }
> file://==O w n e r s h i p   D a t a   O u t p u t
> file://===========================================
> print "<b>Ownership: </b>";
>  if($Ownership == "1") { print "Private&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
>  if($Ownership == "2") {
>   print "Public&nbsp;&nbsp;";
>   if(!($Exchange == "OTHER" or $Exchange == "")) { print "($Exchange:
> $Ticker)&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
>   }
>  if($YearEstablished != "0") { print "<b>Est. </b>$YearEstablished"; }
> print "<br>";
> file://==E m p l o y e e   D a t a   O u t p u t
> file://=========================================
> print "<b>CT Emp: </b>";
>  if(($ConnEmployees >= 1) && ($ConnEmployees <= 9)) { print
> "1-9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
>  elseif(($ConnEmployees >= 10) && ($ConnEmployees <= 50)) { print
> "10-50&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
>  elseif(($ConnEmployees >= 51) && ($ConnEmployees <= 100)) { print
> "51-100&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
>  elseif(($ConnEmployees >= 101) && ($ConnEmployees <= 250)) { print
> "101-250&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
>  elseif(($ConnEmployees >= 251) && ($ConnEmployees <= 500)) { print
> "251-500&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
>  elseif($ConnEmployees >= 501) { print
> "500+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
>  if(($TotalEmployees >= 1) && ($TotalEmployees <= 50)) { print "<b>Tot
> </b>1-50"; }
>  elseif(($TotalEmployees >= 51) && ($TotalEmployees <= 100)) { print
> Emp: </b>51-100"; }
>  elseif(($TotalEmployees >= 101) && ($TotalEmployees <= 500)) { print
> "<b>Tot Emp: </b>101-500"; }
>  elseif($TotalEmployees >= 501) { print
> "500+&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; }
> print "<br>";
> file://==R e v e n u e   D a t a   O u t p u t
> file://=======================================
> if($NoPubRevenue == 0) {
> print "<b>Annual Revenue: </b>";
>  if($RevenueID == 1) { print "under 1 Million"; }
>  elseif($RevenueID == 2) { print "under 1 Million"; }
>  elseif($RevenueID == 3) { print "1-10 Million"; }
>  elseif($RevenueID == 4) { print "10-50 Million"; }
>  elseif($RevenueID == 5) { print "50-100 Million"; }
>  elseif($RevenueID == 6) { print "100-500 Million"; }
>  elseif($RevenueID == 7) { print "500 Million - 1 Billion"; }
>  elseif($RevenueID == 8) { print "1+ Billion"; }
>  else { print "NotAvailable"; }
>  print "<br>\n";
>  }
> file://==I n d u s t r y   D a t a   O u t p u t
> file://=======================================
> print "<b>Industry: </b>";
>  if($IndustryID == 1) { print "Aircraft and Parts"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 1) { print "Aircraft and Parts"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 3) { print "Electronics and Components"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 4) { print "Electrical Equipment"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 5) { print "Other"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 6) { print "Measuring & Control Devices"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 7) { print "Medical Instruments"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 11) { print "Photonics/Optics/Imaging"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 12) { print "Advanced Materials and Chemicals"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 13) { print "Industrial Machinery and
Appliances"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 14) { print "Application Integration &
Middleware"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 15) { print "Application Software Development"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 16) { print "Application Service Provider"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 17) { print "Collaborative Commerce/Market
Places"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 18) { print "IT Hosting/Infrastructure Mgmt"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 19) { print "Computer Office & Equipment"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 20) { print "Programming, Custom Dev., Professional
> Services"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 22) { print "Multi-media, Online Marketing"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 23) { print "Customer Relationship Management"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 25) { print "Hardware and Devices"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 26) { print "Information Storage, Retrieval,
> Security"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 28) { print "Prepackaged Software"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 29) { print "Retail and Information Services"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 30) { print "IT Consulting and Systems Design"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 31) { print "Safety Products"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 32) { print "Web Site Design"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 33) { print "Biotechnology"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 34) { print "Drugs/Pharmaceutical"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 35) { print "Research and Testing"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 36) { print "Cable, Communications Equip, Phone
> Systems"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 37) { print "HR, Search, Training"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 38) { print "Internet Service Provider"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 39) { print "Wireless and Mobile"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 40) { print "Communications Services"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 41) { print "Business/Strategy Consulting"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 42) { print "Legal"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 43) { print "PR/Marketing"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 44) { print "Finance and Accounting"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 45) { print "Financial Services"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 46) { print "NFP, Association, State Agency"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 47) { print "Engineering Services"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 48) { print "Academic"; }
>  elseif($IndustryID == 49) { print "Energy"; }
> print "<br>\n";
> file://==C o n t a c t   D a t a   O u t p u t
> file://=======================================
> print "<b>Management:</b><br>\n";
> $Data4 = fopen("CompleteContact.csv","r");
>  while ($Line4 = fgetcsv ($Data4, 1000, ",")) {
>   $CompanyID4 = $Line4[0]; $FirstName = $Line4[1]; $LastName = $Line4[2];
>   $DisplayTitle = $Line4[3]; $NoPubcontact = $Line4[4];
>   if($CompanyID4 == $CompanyID) {
>    if($NoPubcontact == "0") { print "$FirstName $LastName,
> <i>$DisplayTitle</i><br>\n"; }
>    }
>   }
> fclose($Data4);
> file://==P r o f i l e   D a t a   O u t p u t
> file://=======================================
> if($row != 0) {
>  if($Profile != "") { print "<b>Profile:</b><br>$Profile<br>\n"; }
>  }
> file://==End of Loop!
> file://=======================================
>  }
> $row++;
> print "<br>\n";
> if($TestingMode == "On") { if($row == $ShowCount) { break; } }
> }
> fclose($Data1);
> print "<pre>
> ===============
> ---- Done! ----
> ===============
> </pre>
> <b>Script Name:</b> " . SCRIPT_NAME . "&nbsp;" . SCRIPT_VERSION . "<br>\n
> <b>Script Created By:</b> " . SCRIPT_CREATOR . "<br>\n
> <b>Created On:</b> " . CREATE_DATE . "<br>\n
> <b>Revised On:</b> " . REVISED_DATE . "\n";
> print "<pre>
>          __                                        __
>       __/_/________________________________________\_\__
>    __|_                                                _|__
>   (___O)                                              (O___)
>  (_____O)           Christopher J. Crane             (O_____)
>  (_____O)               Web Designer                 (O_____)
>   (__O)              I N X D E S I G N                 (O__)
>      |              http://inxdesign.com                |
>      |              [EMAIL PROTECTED]                |
>      |                                                  |
>      |__________________________________________________|
> </pre><a name=\"End\"></a><a href=\"#Top\">Top</a>\n\n";

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