Unless you can break the process up into a series of smaller process' (and
use meta refresh's or javascript redirects to step through each process),
you're out of luck... because the browser can't possibly know what's
happening in the background on the server.

For a cheap and nasty solution, how about an animated GIF that lasts about
40 or 50 seconds? It can start empty, and animate up to full... as long as
the process finishes before the GIF, all will be well.

Justin French

on 12/08/02 8:05 PM, Serdar Sokmen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to add a progress bar to an installtion program I'm writing in
> PHP. I basically have one function that I call, it takes about 30 seconds or
> so to finish executing... I haven't done such a thing before. Can anyone
> plese suggest me some ideas...
> Many Thanks
> Serdar

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