I might be wrong but I think the only (easy) way you can view the source is 
to "Save as..." the page first into xxx.html then open that file and view 
the source...

In other words:

1. Using N6, go to the page where you can't "view source"
2. Click on "File" -> "Save as..."
3. Save it to desired name using ".html" as an extension. (Of course, you 
can use others like ".txt", etc...)
4. Open the file using your fav editor


- E

>I'm using Netscape 6.2 and whenever I load one of my .php files I 
>can't get Netscape to "show source". I don't have that problem with 
>Can anyone tell me how to configure Netscape so that I can view the 
>HTML output of my PHP files?
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