I have PHP 4.0.4p11 on RH Linux 7.1. Today I downloaded PHP 4.1.2-7
rpm packages (10 packages) from RH web site. These packages are
come with RH Linux 7.3. I don't want to upgrade Linux but just upgrade
PHP so I tried rpm -Uvh php-4.1.2-7.i386.rpm. 

I got following error message:

error: failed dependencies:
        libcrypto.so.2   is needed by php-4.1.2-7
        libcurl.so.2   is needed by php-4.1.2-7
        libdb-3.3.so   is needed by php-4.1.2-7
        libltdl.so.3   is needed by php-4.1.2-7
        libmm.so.11   is needed by php-4.1.2-7
        libpspell.so.4   is needed by php-4.1.2-7
        libssl.so.2   is needed by php-4.1.2-7
        libxml2.so.2   is needed by php-4.1.2-7
        php = 4.0.4pl1-9 is needed by php-imap-4.0.4pl1-9
        php = 4.0.4pl1-9 is needed by php-ldap-4.0.4pl1-9
        php = 4.0.4pl1-9 is needed by php-mysql-4.0.4pl1-9
        php = 4.0.4pl1-9 is needed by php-pgsql-4.0.4pl1-9
        php = 4.0.4pl1-9 is needed by php-manual-4.0.4pl1-9

Any idea? Seems like it is impossible to directly upgrade from 4.0.4
to 4.1.2-7....Please advice. Thanks in advace!

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