Which frame calls the header()?

When you're in a frameset, each page is an individual HTML file (or PHP
file).  If you call a header() in top or left, it will redirect the fram you
call... it can't possibly call the content frame.

PHP happens on the server, Frames happen on the browser.

The only possible option would be to redirect the current frame (eg left),
and set some values in the URL, which javascript responds to, getting the
content frame to refresh as well.

header("Location: page.php?frameToChange=content&newUrl=something.php");

Then a javascript (Java'sCrap) on the redirected script would act upon those

The result would be that two frames refresh, not just one, but only if JS is
enabled on the browser.


Rethink your logic, there has to be another way.

Justin French

on 15/08/02 9:32 PM, Christian Ista ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

>> That's a HTML thing.  I think you're confusing header() with <HEAD></HEAD>
> I
>> believe.
> No no
> I explaine, I do that :
> <FRAMESET rows="80,*,80">
> <FRAME src="top.html" noresize scrolling="No" border="0"
> frameborder="No">
> <FRAMESET cols="150,*">
> <FRAME src="left.html" noresize scrolling="No" border="0"
> frameborder="No">
> <FRAME src="mainpage.html" border="0" frameborder="No" name="content">
> <FRAME src="menu.html" noresize scrolling="No" border="0"
> frameborder="No">
> I'd like to display all my pages in the frame "content". Some times, from
> the menu for example, I do a <a href="....." target="content"> that it's ok
> but sometimes, I call a php page by header( header("Location:
> mypage.php"); ) but I'd like to display the content in content section
> frame.
> To do something like that :
> www.padeg.be
> Bye

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