solved it  thx anyway
"Pafo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet
> i got my nice looking class like this:
> <?php
> class Relic {
>   var $RelicName;
>   var $RelicType;
>   var $RelicRealm;
>   var $RelicOwner;
>  function PrintInfo() {
>    print "$this->RelicName  :  $this->RelicType  :  $this->RelicRealm  :
> $this->RelicOwner<br>";
>  }
>  function CheckForPrint() {
>    if ($this->RelicName == "" || $this->RelicType == "" ||
> == "" || $this->RelicOwner == "") {
>    return false;
>    } else {
>    return true;
>    }
>  }
>  function Clean() {
>    $this->RelicName = "";
>    $this->RelicType = "";
>    $this->RelicRealm = "";
>    $this->RelicOwner = "";
>  }
>  function SetName($name) {
>      $this->RelicName = $name;
>  }
>  function SetType($type) {
>    $this->RelicType = $type;
>  }
>  function SetRealm($realm) {
>    $this->RelicRealm = $realm;
>  }
>  function SetOwner($owner) {
>    $this->RelicOwner = $owner;
>  }
>  function DebugPrint() {
>    print $this->RelicName;
>  }
> }
> $temp = new Relic();
> $temp->SetName("test");
> $temp->DebugPrint();
> ?>
> but the thing is i want an array that is based on my class, so i want to
> $relicarray[1]->DebugPrint();
> how does it work,, anyone that can give me a working example, cause i cant
> find any  :/
> regards
> patrick

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