On Saturday 17 August 2002 20:07, Roman wrote:
> On Saturday 17 August 2002 19:25, Roman wrote:
> > I'd need to parse html page and get all hyperlinks there.
> > Is there any easy way to do it ? I'm not so good at regexps :(
> Even better, search the archives.
> pls how to reach archives 

Look on the php website for where the archives are found.

> and what to search ? 

I don't know. Try various combinations of

extract, url, regex, hyperlink, parse, link

> I have last 7.000 messages
> in my mailer :( I would be here 2 weeks if I had to read it one by one :(

In that case it might be quicker for you to write your own ;-)

Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *

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                -- Sidney Paternoster, "The Folly of the Wise"

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