$str = "foo foo";
$str_copy = $str; // a copy of $str

Unless of course you want to return a portion of a string, a certain word, a
modified string, etc etc, in which case you'd need to check out all the
string functions in the manual, and tell us what you wanna do.


on 22/08/02 1:32 AM, Oskar Hermansson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Hello!
> Is there any function to copy a string into the computers memory (just
> like you do when you press "ctrl + c" in, for example Internet
> Explorer). Is there any way to do this, just using PHP or JavaScript?
> Maybe by using the function system()? Note that i dont want to copy a
> file, just a string.
> Anyone got a solution to this problem?
> Im very grateful for any help i can get!
> With Regards,
> Oskar Hermansson,
> Sweden

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