Everytime you call the function, it re-runs the sql, and gives you the same
list.  The only time it wouldn't do that was if the id wasn't found.  You
could probably change the function to a class, where the constuctor ran the
sql, and then you had another method to get the next entry.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, August 25, 2002 11:12 AM
Subject: [PHP] trouble with function

> Hi,
> This is the first time I've REALLY tackled multi-dimensional arrays, in
> conjunctions with functions.
> I like the way this code works:
> <?
> $sql = "select from....";
> $result = mysql_result($sql);
> while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
>     {
>     echo $myrow['colname'];
>     }
> ?>
> So I built a function which returns a multi-dimensional array:
> <?
> function getSongByArtist($artist_id,$order='title ASC')
>     {
>     $sql = "
>         SELECT *
>         FROM songs
>         WHERE artist_id='{$artist_id}'
>         ORDER BY {$order}
>         ";
>     $result = mysql_query($sql);
>     if(!$result)
>         {
>         return 0;
>         }
>     else
>         {
>         while($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
>             {
>             foreach($myrow as $k => $v)
>                 { $$k = $v; }
>             $songs["$id"] = array(
>                 'title' => "$title",
>                 'writers' => "$writers",
>                 'video' => "$video",
>                 'artist_id' => "$artist_id"
>                 );
>             }
>         return $songs;
>         }
>     }
> ?>
> I can then do:
> <?
> $songs = getSongByArtist(4);
> print_r($song);
> ?>
> ... and it prints the results I'm expecting.  All good.
> However, I was hoping to use it in a similar way that I use mysql in the
> above code... something like:
> <?
> while($song = getSongByArtist(4))
>     {
>     echo song['title'];
>     echo song['writers'];
>     echo song['video'];
>     echo song['artist_id'];
>     }
> ?>
> But it's just running through an infinite loop.  Perhaps
> is doing something magic???  Perhaps I need to return something different
> my function?

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