Hi Javier,

I think parsing the listing into a multidemensional array is the 
answer. But actually, I do not yet know how that would look like 
in PHP. But I can give you an example of how it is done in 
ActionScript (Ecmascript).

file_arr[n] = [name, date]

Now you can sort file_arr by file_arr[n][0] (name) or 
file_arr[n][1] (date).

Hope it helps,

Am Dienstag den, 3. September 2002, um 12:27, schrieb Javier Montserat:

> i have the following code which reads a list of files from a 
> directory -
> $listcmd = "ls " .$dirPath;
> $temp = exec($listcmd, $listoffiles, $status);
> if($status == 0) {
> for ($i =0; $i < sizeof($listoffiles); $i++) {
>   $this->fileName[$i] = $listoffiles[$i];
>   $this->sizeofFile[$i] = sprintf("%01.2f", 
> (filesize($dirPath."/".$listoffiles[$i])/1024)/1024);
>   $this->fileDate[$i] = date("d-M-y H:i", 
> filemtime($dirPath."/".$listoffiles[$i]));
> }
> $this->displayFiles();
> What I want to do is display the files sorted by date.
> Okay, so I've just realised that the really easy way to do this 
> is by adding -St (sort by time) to the ls command...
> $listcmd = "ls -St " .$dirPath;
> But how could this be achieved by sorting the three arrays?  
> What if I alternately wanted to sort the files by name, size or 
> date without re-reading the directory each time?
> Would an associative array structure be better suited to this 
> type of operation?
> Thanks for your insight,
> Javier
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