If you can use exec you may use convert, or also imlib module provides 
very good results.

Fifield, Mike wrote:

>I sent this email out earlier this morning and got no response. It was quite
>early so I thought I would send it again now that more people are hopefully
>at work :-)
>I have been trying to figure out the best way to resize photo quality images
>to thumbnail size and have them come out looking good. I have read about the
>function " <http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatetruecolor.php
><http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecreatetruecolor.php> >
>imagecreatetruecolor()" and it looks like it may do this. However I do not
>have GD 2 installed which is required for this function to work. In the
>process of trying to figure out how to install GD v2 I came across the
>following page. 
><http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.image.php> > 
>On this page is says;
> "Since PHP 4.3 there is a bundeled version of the GD lib. This bundeled
>version has some additional features like alpha blending and should be used
>in preference to the external library since it's codebase is better
>maintained and more stable."
>I thought the most recent version of php was 4.2.2? 
>Anyway if there is a better way to resize images to create "high quality"
>thumbnails I would love to hear about it. I am on a redhat 7.3 server and
>not very familiar with linux. I would prefer not to have to take the time
>involved in learning how to install new packages right now, but realize this
>may be unavoidable. 
>Thanks in advance for any help.

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