I m using the following attachment handling code in my web client
// supposing that:
// $encoding = 'BASE64';
// $pid = attachment's pid;
// $file = attachment's file name;
// $size = $object->bytes;
// $type = $object->type;
// $subtype = $object->subtype;
$attch = imap_base64(imap_fetchbody($mbox, $id, $pid));
$types = array("text", "multipart", "message", "application", "audio",
"image", "video", "other");
$cont_type = $types[$type]."/".$subtype;
header("Content-transfer-encoding: binary\n");
header("Content-type: $cont_type\n");
if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "MSIE"))
  header("Content-Disposition: filename=$file\n"); // For IE
  header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$file\n"); // For non-IE
header("Content-length: $size\n" );
print $attch;
Regardless the nature of the attachment, things are happening expectedly (as
far as I tested) as long as the SAVE button of the browser's save-file
dialog is clicked.
The OPEN button works fine as well, for browser compatible files such as
.jpeg, .gif, .txt, etc...
But when it's matter of opening per ex. a MSPoverPoint *.pps slide-show file
as attachment through the browser's save-file dialog (well, the button is
there and any user may click it) the smooth running web client turns into a
PoverPoint application opened through the browser's window with an empty
project in design view.
Wrapping above code with
 $tmpfname = tempnam (0, 0);
 $fp = fopen($tmpfname, "w");
 fwrite($fp, $attch);
didn't help too much.
Would there be a way to force the browser to download the attachment in a
temporary location and launch the application (MSPowerPoint in this case) by
its own?


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