Hi all.
I just saw my code laugh at me when this exploded into my face. Can
anyone tell me why isn’t this working? I just copied it from another
page made by me for the same site, changed the parameters and tested it,
but it doesn’t work here… how’s this possible?
****************BEGIN CODE*******************
if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['revpic']['tmp_name'])){
echo "Review's picture uploaded successfully<br>";
$query = "INSERT INTO saav_reviews VALUES (NULL, '$revdate', '$revname',
'$revrev', ".$_FILES['revpic']['tmp_name'].")";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
if (!$result){
//Do Things
else if ($result){
//Do Things
else if (!is_uploaded_file($_FILES['revpic']['tmp_name'])){
$query = "INSERT INTO saav_reviews VALUES (NULL, '$revdate', '$revname',
'$revrev', NULL)";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
if (!$result){
//Do Things
else if ($result){
//Do Things
****************END CODE*******************
What bothers me, is that I pointed this file to my phpinfo.php and got
an empty array, so there’s no [tmp_name] anywhere… how’s that possible?
And the obvious result, is that the code pass right through to the else
if (!is_uploaded_file… instead of stopping at the if decision, and
stores  everything but the uploaded image ¿anyone?
Thanks in advance,
 <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Cesar Aracena
On Dial-Up
Neuquen, Argentina

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