I am trying to make a class to process xslt transformations.

Here is the class:
class xslTransformer extends makexml    {
        var $xh;
        function xslTransformer($xslfile)       {
        $this->xh = xslt_create();
        $result=xslt_process($this->xh,$this->xmlstr,$xslfile); //errors        if
($result) {
                print $result;
        else {
        print "Sorry, the xml could not be transformed by the xsl into";        print
"  the \$result variable the reason is that . "xslt_error($this->xh) . 
        print " and the error code is " . xslt_errno($this->xh);

I call it as 

$this->xmlstr is valid xml (I have checked) the makexml class works fine
as well.

Here is the error I get:
Warning: Sablotron error on line 1: XML parser error 3: no element found
in /usr/lib/apache/htdocs/xml/clsmakexml.php on line 200
Sorry, the xml could not be transformed by the xsl into and the error
code is 2 the $result variable the reason is that XML parser error 3: no
element found

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