i'm not sure if i follow you. i have never used ldap to write 
authentication scripts as i've only used the .htaccess method.

to retrieve data you need to bind using a username/password combination 
that is valid. i guess you could test your user's username/password by 
using it to attempt a bind.

the following is copied verbatim from the manual's user notes:

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[EMAIL PROTECTED] (03-Jan-2002 11:46)

It took quite a while to figure out how to do LDAP authentication as 
there wasn't a complete example ... just some cryptic notes about 
passwords. So, here's what I came up with that works for me:
// $inp_uid contains the user id to be authenticated
// $inp_passwd contains the plain text password to be authenticated
//substitute the real host name in the previous statement
if ($ds) {
    $r=@ldap_bind($ds); // this is an anonymous bind
// need to set the right root search information in next statement.
// Your requirement may be different
    $sr=ldap_search($ds,"ou=mycompany.com,o=My Company", "$st_search");
    $info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
    for ($i=0; $i<$info["count"]; $i++) {
// I now know the dn needed to authenticate
// now bind to see if the uid and password work
// the password is still plain text
    $r=@ldap_bind($ds, $dn, $inp_passwd);
    if ($r) {
// ldap_bind will return TRUE if everything matches
    } else {
// otherwise ldap_bind will return FALSE
} else {
    $error_string="Error -- unable to connect to ldap.someserver.com";
I'm sure that there's more error checking that needs to be done, but 
this provides the basic skeleton....

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Richard Whittaker wrote:
>>If on the other hand you actually want to retrieve data from your LDAP
>>system then i suggest reading the manual. it's not actually a lot harder
>>that connecting to RDBMS.
>>I managed to get a working script straight off the manual page.
> Unfortunately, what I know about LDAP would fit on the head of a very small
> object (I.E. a pin), so I'm still getting used to the whole idea of LDAP...
> So, with NDS, I would just do an ldp_bind to the proper tree, with a
> username and password, and testing for that would tell me if the
> Username/Password combination is valid, or would there be something further
> I'd have to do?....
> Thanks!
> Richard W.

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