That's an expansive reply! Cheers Peter
Since I had to alter the db (quite simply) to include this tweak, I thought
best to do it now in dev phase (and keep it as an option), that mess around
with it later when lots of data exists.

It's my own code, and benchmarks show it to perform fast. However, in due
course I will try the Smarty template system, and compare it to that, but
from what (little) I've read on the subject, I don't know if it's best
suited to my needs (although the cache system sounds nice!).

You're right, it is early to be worrying about optimisation, but I tend to
get a bit obsessive about it. I take the view it's best to get it at least
half right during development phase, than make a mess and spend a lot longer
trying to rework production code.

You sound like you have some experience though, whats a decent page load
time? (from start of script to end of script)?
I'm aiming for sub 0.1 seconds, on IIS5 (it will be moved to RedHat for

Thanks for you input, interesting read!

> I bet someone would have to look at the code. Are you writing your own
code or just gluing modules together? I'm using the
> Smarty template system which I really like, it caches templates.
> Personally I think you are going overboard in trying to optimize at this
point. I assume that your system is working, and so you
> need only tweak it. But it sounds as if you are still working out what the
system is.
> I have not done much work on High Traffic sites. One site was a skater
site and  big food producer was running a promo and
> had TV ads ... site performed fine even though it was just plain cgi
scripts hitting mysql at least 5 times for just about every
> page (I did not write the site but I had to modify,watch it).
> Another site was marked as troublesome, big book publisher. They just
threw hardware at it and all was well.
> Now Yahoo ... or Google ... that would be interesting. Why create a
solution for no problem?  I'd suggest looking at your
> templating system. Which one are you using? You didn't create your own did
> Peter

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