set register globals to ON in your PHP.ini for this to work, although I'd
highly recommend doing what you already are doing...

$username = $_POST['username'];

It's a LOT more secure.


on 25/09/02 12:50 AM, Ed Curtis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> I am currently using Apache 1.3.26 and PHP 4.2.3 on a Linux box running
> Kernel 2.0.36
> My trouble is in passing variable from within a form submission or within a
> URL.
> I can get a From submission to work if I declare the variable and resubmit
> it to another variable name.
> I.E. form field name = username passed to readform.php
> in readform.php $username = $_POST['username']
> I can then user $username
> Used to be you could just use $username as a variable if it was passed from
> a form to another script.
> Now I have $username defined and useable but if I try to add it to a URL
> such as:
> <a href="readform2.php?username=<? echo $username; ?>">
> It becomes a null value or doesn't get passed at all.
> I thought this might have something to do with track-vars but track vars are
> enabled by default in PHP since before my version. When I compiled
> everything I compiled PHP as a DSO. Any ideas?
> TIA,
> Ed Curtis

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