
That is a very good point. As stupid as it sounds, I forgot about the
include() statement (still new I guess, not used to all this extra cool

When I was suggesting the .htaccess, I was thinking more of the "require
valid-user" and thinking maybe the php could tell it whether it is a valid
user, but now as I look at my logs, the php login doesn't actually log the
same type of username, so I guess that wouldn't work.

I'm curious though, the file I need to include is just an html file, and
also has links to others in that same directory (along with images). ow
will this work, since the links would be trying to point to something in a
web location?

Thanks for all your help!


On Tue, 24 Sep 2002, Chris Shiflett wrote:

|A .htaccess file is a Web server configuration file. It cannot know what
|sort of PHP code you have in place to authenticate a user. :-)
|As has been suggested by someone else, you should place your restricted
|files outside of document root. In PHP, it is a simple matter of an
|include() to display the file:
|Also, this method keeps you from doing this redirecting you are talking
|about. Unnecessary redirections like that double your traffic, which is
|not a good idea.

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