Alicia Molina (ABS) wrote:

>Yes! I have restarted my server, my webserver and all.
>I have red hat 6.2 and Apache 1.3.20
>Alicia Molina (ABS) wrote:
>>I'm installing PHP 4.2.3, I have already installed version 4.0.5 working
>>without problems. 
>>Once installed version 4.2.3, I'm using the order phpinfo() and continues
>>appearing the old version of PHP 4.0.5 how if it continued installed and it
>>had not been updated. 
>Have you restarted the webserver? You don't tell us which webserver/OS.
Either the configuration for apache remains pointed at the location of 
the old installation (and your new installation is somewhere different) 
or apache was compiled with php not as a module but built in.

In the second case you would need to recompile apache. I suspect it is 
as a module though, Check /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf for the LoadModule 
line for php4 and check that the new is in that directory. It 
probably is not, so you need to move it there and restart apache.


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