It's giving you this error because you are sending the headers after
outputting something (which could be just  a blank line) - check in your
functions.php that you dont have any blank lines before the start of or
after the end of your script. ie. before the <?php or after the ?>

----- Original Message -----
From: "cleaner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 28, 2002 3:23 PM
Subject: [PHP] headers?

> Hi all..
> Got this script to verify a login against a mysql-databas with several
> checking for type errors etc.
> When I wanna login people, I include a file with all my functions
> ('functions.php') and I a function verify is called upon.
> the function returns false if user entered wrong user/pass, And if they
> enter correct info I want them to be redirected to another page.. hm. the
> headers cant be added (u heard that before?) cuz my login form already
> started output...
> function verify($user,$pass){
>     // some sql queries here...
>  if(count($number)>0){
>         return false;
>             }else{
>            header("Location:admin.php");
>            }
> }
> I would like som help using headers in a correct way, or be able to use
> another way...
> reg:cleaner
> --
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