I can think of at least two solutions...

1) Open the item queries in a new window (target="_new") leaving the list
page open and unmodified.

2) Send NoCache headers and use a PHP session or cookie to store the Form
data and resubmit when the back button is pressed.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Francisco Vaucher" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2002 1:11 PM
Subject: [PHP] GET - POST problem

> Hi,
> I have a problem when i'm sending form data. The issue happens when I
> a mysql query with some form input data. I send the info and I get 'n'
> results. With this I build a list that has links to the records that match
> the query. Next step I display one of the items on my query. OK, now here
> where I have the problem. When I go back, the IE gives me an error that
> "can't show the page because it was made up with form data and if I want
> see the page again, i have to make a refresh. IE wount send the
> itself."
> I'm running an Apache Server under RH 7.2.
> With IIS I don't have this problem.
> Anyone have an idea for this issue ? I think that is a directive in the
> php.ini file. But I don't know wich one is.
> Help would be apreciated
> Thanks
> Francisco M. Vaucher

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