> I have a form containing a text field where the user types in a
> I
> need to search a mysql table, specifically a text field and display a
> of found results.  My criteria selections are:
> 1) return a record if all the words are contained in a record
> 2) return a record if all any word entered are contained in a record
> 3) return a record if parts of all words (starting at the beginning)
> contained in a record (e.g.. 'ex is in 'exercise')
> 3) return a record if parts of any word (starting at the beginning)
> contained in a record (e.g.. 'ex is in 'exercise')

I don't quite understand your logic. It seems like a lot of trash rows
would be returned, anyway... your best bet would be to look into the
FULLTEXT indexing in mysql and go from there.

<watch wrap>
</watch wrap>

---John Holmes...

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