OK. My bad. That's why I see DOCUMENT_ROOT on sourceforge is /var/www/,
while my scripts are in /home/groups/p/pr/project/htdocs/.

Sorry for causing confusion in the ranks. :)

So what the OP wants is dirname() ??

---John Holmes...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Shiflett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2002 6:39 PM
> Cc: 'Tony Crockford'; 'Php-General@Lists. Php. Net'
> Subject: Re: [PHP] document_root
> *cringe*
> No, document root is a defined directory, not an attribute of a
> file. It is used to map the root URL to a directory on the filesystem.
> For example, when you request http://www.google.com/, that final slash
> in the URL is the resource you are requesting. In this case, it is the
> root URL for that domain, and everything branches off from that
> hierarchically.
> Document root is the filesystem directory that is equivalent to the
> URL and is used by the Web server to locate the requested resource.
> Thus, everything within this directory is (potentially, depending on
> permissions) accessible via a URL. For example, if the document root
> Google were /usr/local/apache/htdocs/, then the URL
> http://www.google.com/foo/bar/blah.php would be equivalent to
> /usr/local/apache/htdocs/foo/bar/blah.php on the filesystem.
> Hope that clarifies.
> Chris
> John W. Holmes wrote:
> >You want DOCUMENT_ROOT. If you have a file
> >
> >/home/groups/myproject/htdocs/file.php
> >
> >then, from within that file.php, DOCUMENT_ROOT is
> >
> >/home/groups/myproject/htdocs/
> >
> >I think it would be $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] in newer versions of
> >

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