I believe ->

$tmp = 20;
print("the value of tmp variable is $tmp");
print("the first variable is " . $_POST['varone']);
print("the second variable is " . $_POST['vartwo']);

Tao Hou wrote:

>I jsut install apache1.3.26 and php 4.2.3 on my win2000 machine for my
>course project.
>when I run:
>everything works fine, it will show me the information. but when I try
>the followings, it give me an error:
><title>This page is for Power Calculation</title>
><form action="testphp1.php" method="GET">
>Variable 1: <input type="text" name="varone">
>Variable 2: <input type="text" name="vartwo">
><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Variables">
><input type="reset">
>$tmp = 20;
>print("the value of tmp variable is $tmp");
>print("the first variable is $varone");
>print("the second variable is $vartwo");
>************error message ********************
>the value of tmp variable is 20
>Notice: Undefined variable: varone in c:\apache\htdocs\testphp1.php on
>line 8
>the first variable is
>Notice: Undefined variable: vartwo in c:\apache\htdocs\testphp1.php on
>line 9
>the second variable is
>please help me, thank you

Gerard Samuel

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