Thnaks for an explanation.

Rasmus Lerdorf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> This has been explained a few times.  PHP does shallow copies, or
> copy-on-write which means that the data is not actually copied until you
> change it.  That is:
>   $a = "1234567890";
>   $b = $a;
> internally we do not copy the data from $a to $b until you change $b.
> We you use references we have a bit more work to do as we need to decouple
> this and indicate that copy-on-write should not be taking place.
> Basically things are optimized for the most common case.
> -Rasmus
> On Tue, 8 Oct 2002, Markas wrote:
> > I tried some trivial expirements:
> >
> > /* here I define an array $big, which I guess would "eat" ~100kb of
memory */
> > for($i=0; $i<10000; $i++)
> > {
> >  $big[$i] = "1234567890";
> > }
> >
> > /* this func only returns the value it gets as a param...*/
> > function f($a){return $a;}
> >
> > $start = microtime();
> >
> > /* here all the job is done */
> > for ($i=0; $i < 100; $i++){$a = f($big);} /* <--- every iteration I just
pass $big array to this func and it simply returns it*/
> >
> > $end = microtime();
> >
> > /* here I find out the time the job above takes to run, similar to the
code from the help:*/
> > function getmicrotime($time){
> >     list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",$time);
> >     return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
> >     }
> >
> > $time_start = getmicrotime($start);
> > $time_end = getmicrotime($end);
> > $time = $time_end - $time_start;
> >
> > echo "Did nothing in $time seconds";
> >
> > So the script above takes on my server ~0.00115 sec, so as far as I
understand, it takes php to copy that $big array which is rather large, at
least 100 times... So I decided to change the function f($a):
> >  function f($a){return $a;} changed to  function f(&$a){return $a;},
> > as you can see, I only wanted to pass that $a param by reference,
without copying it, so I thought I win in performance and the 100 iterations
will work faster, as no copying of such a large array $big (which is this
time going to be passed by refernce) will be involved,... BUT this case the
job took ~3.75093 seconds, which is  3262 times SLOWER !!! I also found out,
that while using refernces, the time of job's run strictly depends on the
$big array dimension, and while NOT using references, the time doesn't
depend on that, but I thought just on the contrary. I thought, that while
using references, we dont copy the data and therefore do not depend on that
data amount, but the example above shows just the opposite results...
> >
> > What's going on,  if anybody gets interested, please explain?
> >

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