If the script is in the same directory just try either "{file}" nothing
in front or "./{file}"

What function are you using to create files?

Timothy Hitchens (HITCHO)

HITCHO has Spoken!

-----Original Message-----
From: Aidal [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, 9 October 2002 4:24 PM
Subject: [PHP] how to create files??

Hi NG.

I'm having problems creating files at a certain location.
If I attemt to create a file it gets created in the rootdir (htdocs)
even though I add a path infront of the file name. I've tried severel
ways of adding a path (with "/" and "\\") but nothing works.

eksample: "/nef/articles/54.txt"

File 54.txt gets created but not at the intented location, instead it
gets created in htdocs.

Can anyone help me by telling me how I'm suppose to do this? I'm running
PHP on Win98 with Apache.

~ Aidal

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