Just a thought...

If you're going to write an XHTML compatible code, you wouldn't really have
this problem -->

>    echo("<A HREF='$my_URLhome'>Go home</A>");

since you'll probably write something like this:

  echo '<a href="' . $my_URL . 'home">Go home</a>';

Of course, I didn't mean that you can't do that with HTML...

Anyway, for the original question, I think, you shouldn't really add
"http://"; to every link that points to the same site. Most probably, the
browser and the server can handle the request faster since *I think* it
doesn't need to query a DNS server for each request. I'm not sure about this
one though... :( Need more research...

- E

On Thursday, October 10, 2002 10:18 PM
Bogdan Stancescu wrote:

> I generally use both - the first for includes and the second for HTML
> Do NOT include the trailing slash. The reason is simple:
> <?
>    echo("<A HREF='$my_URL/home'>Go home</A>");
> ?>
> is much simpler to write and follow than
> <?
>    echo("<A HREF='{$my_URL}home'>Go home</A>");
> ?>
> because you obviously can't write
> <?
>    echo("<A HREF='$my_URLhome'>Go home</A>");
> ?>
> Please remember that since the trailing slash will be included in every
> use of this var, if your URL is the root then the variable will have to
> be empty! (otherwise you'll end up with a double slash at the beginning
> of every URL)
> Bogdan
> Wilmar Perez wrote:
> > Hello guys
> >
> > I'm just looking for some advise:  I've got a variable which I use to
> > my site's main path.  Is it better to have it like this:
> >
> > $site_path = "/my/web/path/"
> >
> > or like this:
> >
> > $site_path = "http://my_url.com/";
> >
> > ?
> >
> > What about the trailing slash?, should I use it or not?
> >
> > I know these are simple question but haven't been able to get to an
answer on
> > my own.
> >
> > Thanks a lot
> >
> > *******************************************************
> >                          Wilmar Pérez
> >                      Network Administrator
> >                        Library System
> >                       Tel: ++57(4)2105145
> >                     University of Antioquia
> >                        Medellín - Colombia
> >                               2002
> > *******************************************************
> >
> >
> --
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