Hi Apologies if this question has been answered before and I can't find it.
I have searched and although finding similar issues, I haven't been able to

I have a file that creates a search for and then is supposed to post to
itself to retriev results. When I add the first function (the search form)
everything seems OK. The page renders, the select menus are populated from
my mySQL db. 

When I add the second function (the results). I start getting an error that
refers to a line number in my initial function that was previously OK. I
gather the error has something to do with syntax, but I can't find it.

I'll show some examples and then detail the error.

My intial code that creates the search form and works is:


// Handles session initialization




// Global configuration data

// Generates page header
include ("header.php");

function sform() {


$box_title = "Search Form";

$box_stuff = "<table width=\"100%\"><tr><td align=\"left\">";

$box_stuff .= "<span class=\"finePrint\">Search hints can go

$box_stuff .= "

<center><form action=\"./search_users.php\" method=\"post\">

<table><tr><td colspan=3 align=\"left\"><h4>Search for:</h4></td></tr>

<tr><td align=\"left\"><font size=\"-1\">Company</font></td><td
align=\"left\"><font size=\"-1\">Category</font></td><td
align=\"left\"><font size=\"-1\">City</font></td></tr>

<tr><td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\"><input name=\"company\"></td><td
align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">

<select name=\"cat\" size=\"7\" multiple>\n";

$cat_result = mysql_query("select cat, catkey, cattext, count(cat) AS
num_type FROM " . $table_prefix."users LEFT JOIN
" . $table_prefix."users_cat ON cat=catkey GROUP BY cattext ORDER BY

$categories = mysql_fetch_array($cat_result);

if ($categories) {

    while ($c2 = mysql_fetch_array($cat_result)) {

    $num_type = $c2[num_type];

    $box_stuff .= "<option name=\"cat\" value=\"$c2[catkey]\">$c2[cattext] (



$box_stuff .= "



<td align=\"left\" valign=\"top\">

<select name=\"city\" size=\"7\" multiple>\n";

$city_result = mysql_query("select city, count(city) AS num_type FROM
" . $table_prefix."users GROUP BY city ORDER BY city");

$cities = mysql_fetch_array($city_result);

if ($cities) {

    while ($c3 = mysql_fetch_array($city_result)) {

    $num_type3 = $c3[num_type];

    $box_stuff .= "<option name=\"city\" value=\"$c3[city]\">$c3[city] ($num



$box_stuff .= "</select></td></tr>\n";

$box_stuff .= "

<tr><td align=\"left\" colspan=3 align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\"
value=\"Search\"> Note: searching for all can produce a large

</table><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"op\" value=\"search\" />


thememainbox($box_title, $box_stuff);



switch($op) {

    case "search":








Now, when I add anything for the function search() , even a simple message
printed to the page such as:


function search()



    global ;

    $box_title = "Search Results";

    $box_stuff .= "Results here";

    thememainbox($box_title, $box_stuff);




I get the error: Parse error: parse error, expecting `T_VARIABLE' or `'$''
in /Library/WebServer/Documents/phpwebsite/search_users.php on line 45

BTW... line 45 is part of the initial funtion that was working before:


$cat_result = mysql_query("select cat, catkey, cattext, count(cat) AS
num_type FROM " . $table_prefix."users LEFT JOIN
" . $table_prefix."users_cat ON cat=catkey GROUP BY cattext ORDER BY

$categories = mysql_fetch_array($cat_result);

if ($categories) {

    while ($c2 = mysql_fetch_array($cat_result)) {

    $num_type = $c2[num_type];

    $box_stuff .= "<option name=\"cat\" value=\"$c2[catkey]\">$c2[cattext] (

    }  //THIS IS LINE 45



I feel that if I can get past this, I can likely get my actual search to
work. If you're curious, the following code is what I actually have in mind
for the search function. I just can't get far enough along to even test it.
I would surely appreciate any advice that anyone can extend.:


function search() {


global $company, $cat, $city, $catkey, $cattext, Order;

$box_title = "Search Results";

if ($cat>0) {

    $classreq="AND catkey=$cat";


  if (!$Order) {



$query = "SELECT company, city, cat, catkey, cattext FROM
" . $table_prefix."users LEFT JOIN
" . $table_prefix."users_cat ON cat=catkey WHERE company LIKE '%$company%' A
ND city LIKE '%$city%' AND cat LIKE '%$cat%' $classreq ORDER BY $Order";

$result = mysql_query($query);

$box_stuff = "<center><br>";

$box_stuff .= "<table cellpadding=1 border=0 cellspacing=0 width=\"100%\">";

if ($result){

    if ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result)){

        do {

        $box_stuff .="

<tr class=\"type5\"><td align=\"left\">Company</td><td align=\"left\">Catego
ry</td><td align=\"left\">City</td></tr>

<tr class=\"type5\"><td align=\"left\">$r[company]</td><td align=\"left\">$r
[cattext]</td><td align=\"left\">$r[city]</td></tr>";

        } while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($result));

    } else {

        $box_stuff .= "<b>Search Failed</b>";



$box_stuff .= "</center>";

thememainbox($box_title, $box_stuff);




Thanks again, 

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