Two things:

1. You're not sending an image/jpg header() in your image file. The
browser won't know what kind of data it's receiving.

2. You need to reference your image in the <img> tag through a web
server, that way the PHP code is parsed. <img
src=> or even just a relative
URL to the file
<img src="images/make_image.php">

okay, one more:

3. Why not just set a cron script to run a program to copy the image to
your machine every X minutes. Then you can just reference it like any
other image. With the setup you have now, you're going to be using a lot
more resources because the PHP script will have to go and read that URL
and make the image with every request. 

and one more, just because:

4. I hope you're not violating any copyrights.

---John Holmes...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Anthony Ritter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, October 12, 2002 12:24 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] =.jpg from another URL with PHP=
> Thanks to all for your respones to my inquiry.
> I placed the PHP script to open the .jpg from another URL in another
> and then inserted the HTML <IMG> tag to reference that file.   The
> was that it outputted a small sqaure with a red x  - but no image of
> map.
> Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
> Tony Ritter
> The scripts follow...
> ...................................................................
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
> function findTheAnswer()
>  {
>   var number_one=window.document.the_form.field_one.value;
>   var product=Math.round(9/5* number_one + 32);
>   alert("The water temperature is " + product + " degrees
>   document.the_form.field_one.value=""
>   document.the_form.field_one.focus()
>  }
> <?
> function getUSGS($data, $station)
>  {
> $data;
> $content = file($data);
> array_pop($content);
> $current = array_pop($content);
> $newcurrent = explode("\t",$current);
> print("<table border=1 ALIGN=CENTER>");
> print("<tr><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\"><Font Face=\"arial\" size
> =1>$station</Font></td><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\"><Font Face=\"arial\"
> =1>Station</Font></td><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\"><Font Face=\"arial\"
> =1>Date and Time</Font></td><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\"><Font
> size =1>Height</Font></td><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\"><Font Face=\"arial\"
> size
> =1>CFS</Font></td><td bgcolor=\"#CCCCFF\"><Font Face=\"arial\" size
> =1>Temperature</Font></td></tr>");
> print("<tr><td><Font Face=\"arial\"
> size=1>$newcurrent[0]</Font></td><td><Font Face=\"arial\"
> size=1>$newcurrent[1]</Font></td><td><Font Face=\"arial\"
> size=1>$newcurrent[2]</Font></td><td><Font Face=\"arial\"
> size=1>$newcurrent[3]</font></td><td><Font Face=\"arial\"
> size=1>$newcurrent[4]</font></td><td><Font Face=\"arial\"
> size=1>$newcurrent[5]</font></td></tr>");
> print("</table>");
> }
> ?>
> <BODY>
> <FONT FACE="arial" SIZE=2>
> These tables represent real time data from the United States
> Survey.
> The numbers will change every fifteen minutes to reflect the changes
> water temperatures
> and water levels at the following stations in the Delaware River
> Optimum water temperatures
> for the following gamefish are listed below.
> <FONT FACE="arial" SIZE=1>
> <TR><TD BGCOLOR="#FFE4C4"><FONT FACE="arial" SIZE=1>B r o w n  T r o u
> </FONT></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#FFE4C4"><FONT FACE="arial" SIZE=1>R a i n b
o w
> T
> r o u t </FONT></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#FFE4C4"><FONT FACE="arial" SIZE=1>S
h a
> d
> </FONT></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#FFE4C4"><FONT FACE="arial" SIZE=1>S m a l l
m o
> u
> t h  B a s s </FONT></TD><TD BGCOLOR="#FFE4C4"><FONT FACE="arial"
> a
> l l e y e </FONT></TD></TR>
> <TR><TD><FONT FACE="arial" SIZE=1>48 to 62
> FACE="arial" SIZE=1>54 to 68 degrees</FONT></TD><TD><FONT FACE="arial"
> SIZE=1>52 to 66 degrees</FONT></TD><TD><FONT FACE="arial" SIZE=1>67 to
> degrees</FONT></TD><TD><FONT FACE="arial" SIZE=1>Below 50
> degrees</FONT></TD></TR>
> <P><BR>
> </TABLE>
> <BR>
> </FONT>
> <?
> 01
> 427510","Upper Delaware  River at Callicoon, NY");
> print("<P ALIGN=\"CENTER\"><FONT FACE=\"arial\" COLOR=\"red\"
> SIZE=1>Normal
> water levels on the main stem are from 2.7 to 3.2 feet or 600 to 1500
> cfs.<BR></FONT>");
> print("<FONT FACE=\"arial\" COLOR=\"red\" SIZE=1>
> <ALIGN=\"CENTER\">Anglers
> should use caution above 3.3 feet and the river is not wadable at 3.5
> and above.</FONT><BR>");
> 01
> 426500","W. Br.  Delaware River at Hale Eddy, NY");
> 01
> 420500","Beaverkill River at  C o o k s F a l l s, NY");
> 01
> 427500"," C a l l i c o o n  C r e e k  a t  Callicoon, NY");
> ?>
> <FORM NAME="the_form">
> <FONT FACE="arial" SIZE=1> Enter  <b><i>Celsius</b></i>  number
> here:</FONT>
> <INPUT TYPE=="text" NAME="field_one" size="3" > &nbsp;
> <a href = #  onClick="findTheAnswer(); return false;"><FONT
> SIZE=1> Click this line to convert to Fahrenheit</A></FONT>
> </FORM>
> <FONT FACE="arial" SIZE =1>Click <A HREF="http://localhost/Map.php";>
> here</A> for Real Time 600 mile Northeast Doppler Radar Map.</FONT>
> <P>
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> ..
> ..
> // file:C:/ColorMap.php
> // PHP script to open the .jpg file.
> <?
> jp
> g";
> if(!($fp=fopen($theURL, "r")))
>  {
>   print("Could not open the URL.");
>   exit;
>  }
> $contents=fread($fp,1000000);
> print($contents);
> fclose($fp);
> ?>
> ...............................................
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> <BODY>
> This is a test.
> <IMG SRC="C:/ColorMap.php">
> </BODY>
> </HTML>
> // This page outputs: This is a test - with a small square and a red x
> no
> image of the map.
> ...................................................
> John W. Holmes wrote in message:
> Make another file that has your code in it and sends an image/jpeg
> header. Then insert the image like any other image:
> <img src='yourfile.php'>
> Hope you're not violating any copyrights...
> ---John Holmes...
> ..................................................
> --
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