This was the problem...  it wasn't that there was a limit of 5 maximum 
uploads, it was just that my 'while' statement was only counting as many 
fields as the first sub-array for $_FILES.. which is 5.

Tom, thanks a bunch!

Tom Rogers wrote:

> Hi,
> Wednesday, October 16, 2002, 11:49:04 PM, you wrote:
> JY> I'm going to approach this question in a different way, in case some
> JY> people were put off by the complexity of it yesterday.
> JY> For all those who don't know my question from yesterday, I have a 
> form
> JY> where I can upload up to 9 files at a time. Unfortunately, only the
> JY> first 5 of those files are being uploaded at any given time.
> JY> As a test, I just created a simple form with only input type 'file's,
> JY> and attempted to find out how many its attempting to parse. It is 
> still
> JY> only 5.
> JY> I have posted the full code below so people might be able to try 
> it on
> JY> their own systems... please let me know what you might find:
> picname has 5 sub arrays called:
> name()
> type()
> tmp_name()
> error()
> size()
> You need to loop through those sub arrays like:
> while (list($key) = each($_FILES['picname'])) {
>         echo "$key ";
>         while(list($key2,$val2) = each($_FILES['picname'][$key])){
>                 echo "[$key2] $val2 ";
>         }
>         echo '
> ';
> }
> print_r($_FILES) will show you all.

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