$counter is not related to the session at all with register_globals OFF.
Use $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['count']++;

---John Holmes...

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Alexandre [mailto:alexandre@;cmsmedical.com.br]
> Sent: Saturday, October 26, 2002 2:42 PM
> Subject: [PHP] Problem with session and register_globals=off
> Hello,
> When I try the code below and register_globals=On, its work fine, the
> counter variable is incremented each time that I load the page, but,
> register_globals=Off, its does not work, the counter variable is save
> in first time and never more.
> <?php session_start();
>    // register a session variable
>    session_register('counter');
>    $counter = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["counter"];
>    // increment and display the value of the counter
>    $counter++;
>    echo("You have visited this page $counter times! Don't you have
>    anything else to do, you bum?!");
> ?>
> How can I fix this? With out to turn register_globals=On.
> Thanks,
> --
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