>From the gd manual at boutell.com:

Truecolor images are always filled with black at creation time. There is 
no concept of a "background" color index.

I suppose you'll have to use a function like imagefill to get your yellow 


On Tue, 29 Oct 2002, Wouter de Jong wrote:

> Hi,
> Could anyone tell why my background colors with
> ImageCreateTrueColor() are becoming black ?
> I use the following script:
> <?php
> Header("Content-type: image/png");
> $im   = @ImageCreateTrueColor(120, 50) 
> or die ("Cannot Initialize new GD image stream!");
> $background_color     = ImageColorAllocate($im,255,255,100);
> $text_color           = ImageColorAllocate($im,233,14,91);
> ImageString($im,1,5,5,"A Simple Text String",$text_color);
> ImagePNG($im);
> ImageDestroy($im);
> ?>
> If I use ImageCreate(), the color becomes yellow as expected.
> This is with GD 2.0.4 (conf-opts: http://s003.widexs.nl/phpinfo.php)
> Any help appreciated :)
> Another question:
> Is it correct that JPEG images are showing up very ugly compared to the
> same code with PNG?
> See http://s003.widexs.nl/gd-test-png.php and
> http://s003.widexs.nl/gd-test-jpeg.php
> The source is the above code, but with ImageCreate() instead of
> ImageCreateTrueColor(), and with jpeg instead of png for the
> gd-test-jpeg.php script.
> -- 
> Met vriendelijke groet/With kind regards,
> Wouter de Jong
> System-Administrator
> Delivering the Internet promise(tm)
> URL:    http://www.widexs.nl
> Tel:    +31 (0) 23 5698070
> Fax:    +31 (0) 23 5698099
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> -- 
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