
Quite desperate now... Or at least, I'm starting to get there... Can anyone
perhaps see why this loop is not exiting???


// debug
echo "howlong: " . $howlong;

while($quit<$howlong) {

  // debug
  echo "quit: " . $quit . "<br>";

  $quit=mktime(0, 0, 0, $glet['mon']+$row['BillPeriod'], $glet['mday'],

The values,

$now = 1036360800 (mktime())
$row['RenewDate'] = 1035928800 (MySQL DB - VARCHAR(12))
$row['Cost'] = xx.xx (MySQL DB - DOUBLE(6,2))

$howlong is defined further up....
$howlong=mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['month'], 1, $_POST['year'])
  0 < $_POST['month'] > 12
  2001 < $_POST['year'] > 2005

>From the debug (Browser output)...
howlong: 1133388000 - now: 1036023598 (RenewDate: 1036360800)
quit: 1036023598
quit: 1036360800
quit: 1036360800
quit: 1036360800

Thus, $quit is never incremented.... I'm *STUMPED* why not, or how to fix
this? :((  Each time, PHP times out (Script execution time exceeded), and it
*always* gives a line number for the timeout, that is inside the above while
loop.  Hence, to my understanding, the loop never exits....

The loop, comes from cbms from voxel.net, stats.php

Thanks for the help!


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