Ops, of course.

Am Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2002 04:07 schrieb Chris Shiflett:
> I think you mean turn on register_globals. :-)
> Sascha Cunz wrote:
> >try
> ><?php
> >  echo $_GET['tmp'];
> >?>
> >
> >or turn off register_globals in your php.ini file.
> >
> >Am Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2002 20:49 schrieb Manuel Jenne:
> >>My Script:
> >>Test.php
> >>
> >><?
> >>echo $tmp;
> >>?>
> >>
> >>My URL:
> >>www.some.domain/test.php?tmp=5
> >>
> >>My result:
> >>
> >>NOTHING !!!

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