Did you install from the source code or a pre-compiled bin? (from Marc Liyanage.?)
I installed PHP from Marc Liyanage pre-compiled bin

If so there is usually no php.ini file with it. If you are using Marc's binary package then create a blank php.ini

sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
sudo touch /usr/local/lib/php.ini
Done !

Then you will have to add the appropriate configuration options to it. You can find an example php.ini file in the
php source code file php4.2.3.tar.gz or whatever it is called. There will be a file called php.ini-recommended, you can
copy the options in this file and use it, or the php.ini-dist file.
I would like to install eXtremePHP - Installation document says :

1. Uncompress the contents of the archive to the document root of your
web server.

2. You will have to auto prepend the xpl/common/common.inc.php file. This
can be done of one of two ways.

a) In the PHP.INI, find the field that says "auto_prepend_file" and change
it to look like below on Unix

auto_prepend_file = "/www/xpl/common/common.inc.php"

where "www" is the document root of the webserver.

b) If you are running Apache, create an .htaccess file under your
document root directory and enter the following line and save the file.

php_value auto_prepend_file /www/xpl/common/common.inc.php

My document root is : /Users/pierreva/Sites
Could you tell me what I have to change in php.ini-recommmended ?

Thanks for your help.

Pierre Vaudrey

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