I'm not very familiar to this stuff, but if I wanna use https:// do
don't I need a key from Verisign (or similar) to make it work? If so,
who control who is what on the internet?

Sumarlidi E. Dadason

SED - Graphic Design
Tel: 896-0376, 461-5501
website: www.sed.is

-----Original Message-----
From: rija [mailto:rija@;vatu.com] 
Sent: 1. nóvember 2002 22:33
To: php; SED
Subject: Re: [PHP] Security - Maybe a silly question

Between user and server, everydata pass through DNS, routeur, etc... So
if you don't want someone (hackers or FBI of CIA) to decode your data,
use SSL server (https://) with certificate-

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 02, 2002 8:37 AM
Subject: [PHP] Security - Maybe a silly question

> When I use sessions in PHP or just plain login/password in $_POST, can

> 3rd parties or hackers monitor the transmission, between me and user, 
> and somehow decode the transmission and use the variables to login 
> other time or overtake the current session?
> If so, how likely is for someone to manage it (get the 
> username/password)?
> Regards,
> Sumarlidi E. Dadason
> SED - Graphic Design
> _________________________________
> Tel: +354-896-0376, +354-461-5501
> website: www.sed.is
> --
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