Jule Slootbeek wrote:
> oops didn't catch two little bugs
> Jule
> function getTitle($url)
> {
> $file = @fopen($url, 'r');
> if(!$file) {
> $rline = "Error, contact webmaster";
> } else {
> while (!feof ($file)) {
>   $line = fgets($file);
>   if (substr_count(strtoupper("$line"), "<TITLE>") >= 1) {
> $rline = strip_tags("$line");
> //return $rline;
> //fclose($file);
> break;
> }
>      }
>      return $rline;
>      }
> fclose($file);
> }

1) What if this line looks like:
Wont' $rline == "foobar" ?

2) Can't you use a socket and read until the first <TITLE>start saving until
the </TITLE> and close the socket?


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