I'm writing an SQL query in a php 4.0 script.  The query pulls data from an
MS Access '97 database through an ODBC connection.

I'm having difficulties creating a condition using "LIKE".

If I write the following expression, the query works:

SELECT FieldName1, FieldName2
FROM TableName
WHERE FieldName1 = '$CriterionRecord'

But, if I change the Where statement from "=" to "LIKE", the query no longer
works, and I can't figure out why. (Could it be punctuation?) Here's an

SELECT FieldName1, FieldName2
FROM TableName
WHERE FieldName1 LIKE '$CriterionRecord'

The criterion record is actually chosen in another form and passed through
to this script.  The criterion record may be a complete record, or it may be
a partial record with a wildcard, but the "LIKE" script is not working in
either case.

Does anyone have any experience with this they could share with me?

Don Hicks
Portland, OR

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