hi to all again,

 I have a problem here again regarding the date comparison. I need to check the most 
recent date that was entered in mysql database in date format ("Y-m-d"), if the 
datetoday is a day or two days in advanced compared to the queried date.
I need to make sure that the  next inserted date in the mysql database whould be the 
next day of  the last inserted date.
 Any idea how? Please help.

 Im trying to do something like this:

 //checking the queried date

 $incrementdate=date("$querieddate"),mktime(0,0,0,date(m), date(d)+1,date(Y)));
 if($incrementdate == $datetoday){
     //insert $datetoday to the mysql database
    //insert $incrementdate to the mysql database


regards ,
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