I found an article 1 of 6 parts by Ben Rowe on devarticles.com.  It
looks like he is doing what I want to accomplish but I have to wait for
the other 5 articles.  When a user logs in he writes a record to MYSQL
for the session.  That record holds certain variables for the session.

Your reply helps, I'm new to all of this and not really a programmer but
I would rather learn to do it the right way than the easy way.


On Mon, 2002-11-11 at 12:30, Jason Wong wrote:
> On Tuesday 12 November 2002 02:05, Ray Seals wrote:
> > I would like for my pages to generate HTML code based on a users
> > rights.  For example I have a table called user and it looks like this
> >
> > userid    password    admin    user
> > --------------------------------------
> > me        mypass        Y
> > you       yourpass               Y
> >
> > When a person logs in they are authenticated against this table.  Once
> > they are logged in I would like to build a page with a few links.  If
> > the person has a Y in the admin, I would like to offer an additional
> > link on the page for some admin functions.
> >
> > My question is this, when a person logs in I know the user name and
> > password is stored in the $_POST global.  How long does that stay
> > available. 
> For all practical purposes[1] just treat it as if it's not available after the 
> person is logged in.
> > Can I recall the userid and password, query the database and
> > then generate a page based on those results? 
> Yes, but see [1].
> > Would I be better off
> > using the session information or setting cookies?
> You definitely want to be looking at sessions. Search for some "user 
> authentication" tutorials.
> [1] Unless you continue propagating the login info (user/password) via hidden 
> elements in a form (which btw, is a very foolish thing to do) they would only 
> be available on the page that is handling your login.
> -- 
> Jason Wong -> Gremlins Associates -> www.gremlins.com.hk
> Open Source Software Systems Integrators
> * Web Design & Hosting * Internet & Intranet Applications Development *
> /*
> Experience is not what happens to you; it is what you do with what happens
> to you.
>               -- Aldous Huxley
> */
> -- 
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